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Difficulty mobilising longer distances and thinking of getting a mobility scooter?
Confused which scooter will be right for you?

We can help!  Melbourne Occupational Therapy Services will assist you, by assessing your mobility to ensure you have a scooter that is right for you. Scooters have different sized motors, batteries and weight capacities.  What you need  will depend on your physical body-size, your capabilities, your mental ability (cognition) and where you want to go.

Go to our ‘Contact & Referral’ page, email us your details and we will contact you (generally within 24 hours). Simple!

More Information

Did you know the ACCC reported 442 hospitalisations and 62 deaths in Australia between 2000 and 2010 involving mobility scooters? –  Unfortunately, in Victoria scooters are not regulated, so we see many people driving scooters inappropriately or not knowing the rules. Many people are unaware that scooter drivers should obey pedestrian law. Some individuals may have mental processing (cognitive issues) and put themselves at serious risk with road traffic and pedestrians.

What we do

1/ We assess you.  We look at your abilities and any medical, age-related or functional issues you may have

2/ We assess the environment you want to use the scooter in.  This means, we look at where you need to be able to use your scooter.

3/ We then trial appropriate scooter options with a supplier.  We are not in the business of selling scooters, so all our advice is unbiased and based on good products and a supplier that provides you good back-up service. We make sure you can use the scooter as there are many tips and tricks to keep you safe and we ensure you are aware of the pedestrian law rules.

Recommendations  may include

  • 4 wheeled scooter
  • 3 wheeled scooter
  • Accessories such as walking stick holder, walker carriers etc
  • Lessons
  • Supplier to purchase from and much much more

We can help!  Go to our ‘Contact & Referral’ page, email us your details and we will contact you.