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About Us

Meet The Team

We provide OT home based services for NDIS & HCP adults who have physical disabilities. Our EP services also include services for those with developmental disorders and ID.  Our service area is within 50 minutes drive from our Melbourne offices. We come to you!

Assessment & Intervention for – Function, Movement, Assistive Technology, Equipment, Home Modifications, Wheelchairs, Driving Assessments and much more.

We can help!

We can easily access Melbourne’s north, west, central, Bayside and many south-eastern suburbs. Just ask us! See our ‘Contact & Referral’ page.

We have many years healthcare experience in aged care and in the NDIS space. We will help you to remain living at home, be independent, stay safe, overcome barriers and improve quality of life.

We deliver evidenced based clinical practice and pride ourselves on delivering exceptional health education beyond equipment prescription. We ensure our clients receive the professional input necessary to assist manage their health and maximise independence.

Kate Ross – Participant Coordinator & Operations

Kate relocated to Australia from the UK in 2006 (with a good dose of
backpacking on the way).

A role in recruitment enabled Kate to stay in the country she already loved.
For 14 years Kate enjoyed working with people across a variety of roles,
businesses and backgrounds. Recruitment is an excellent grounding for all
things people related and organisational skills are a must!

During the COVID pandemic in 2020, Kate realised that it was finally
time to make a change and discovered Melbourne Occupational Therapy Services, which felt like home straight away. Kate’s role is to manage all things that are not therapy related. Kate manages the administrative processes and all client and participant onboarding and she loves it!

Outside of work, Kate can be found wrangling her two young children, getting
involved at their school and enjoying the (much sunnier!) outdoors of
Australia; her adopted country


James Hunter – Director/Occupational Therapist/Driving Assessor BHSc (OT)

Melbourne Occupational Therapy Services (formally Driving Rehab) was started in 2015 by James Hunter who is the Director and Principal Occupational Therapist.

James’ working life started as a tradesman spanning over 12 years in both residential and commercial construction. In the late 90’s, James studied Occupational Therapy at the Auckland University of Technology. He has practiced OT in the UK, Isle of Man, New Zealand and Australia in both public and private settings. James focused four years of his career in the field of pharmaceutical chronic pain management and then Orthopaedic Surgery, where he was a surgical support for surgeons during hip and knee replacement surgical procedures.

James enjoys working with clients and participants within the specialty of OT Driving Assessment. Alongside his boutique team, James also enjoys working with adult participants to improve their functional performance while maximising their independence.   

When not working, James’ second home is the ocean, where you may find him surfing, foiling, or paddle-board-surfing.

Shantal Sims – Senior Occupational Therapist – BOcc Therp, BHSc (Rehabilitation and Disability)

With a keen interest in health, wellbeing and independence, Shantal commenced tertiary studies with a Bachelor’s degree in Health Promotion at La Trobe University, Melbourne. On completion of her studies, Shantal worked for the Victorian Deaf Society (HearService) in health promotion and assistive technology. Wanting to further her role in health, Shantal returned to study and commenced a Bachelor’s degree at La Trobe University, Melbourne, completing this in 2010. 

Since 2010 Shantal has mastered her craft in helping people improve and maintain their independence. This has included a broad spectrum of experience, with Occupational Therapy roles at Werribee Public Hospital, NSW Public Hospital in aged care community services (TACS), NSW Community Palliative Care Services, Community (In-Home) Stroke Rehabilitation and now with Melbourne OT Services in the aged care and NDIS sector.

As one of our senior and experienced clinicians, Shantal understands that individuals and circumstances can differ and therefore  a single approach to everyone is not always possible. Rather a holistic review of the person and situation is essential to improved outcomes

Shantal often works with adults in complex seating prescription and training, complex home modifications and complex assistive technology .

In her own time, Shantal is a busy Mum and enjoys all that life has to offer, with traveling and outdoor adventures top of the list. Shantal has lived abroad, however, the importance of family and friends pulled her back to where she now resides in Melbourne

Beth Jame – Senior Occupational Therapist – BOcc Ther (Honours) / BPsych Sc

Beth graduated from La Trobe University in 2010 with a double degree in Occupational Therapy (Honours) and Psychological Science. She has a diverse range of clinical experience across rehabilitation and community-based settings. Prior to traveling overseas to live and work in the UK in 2016, Beth worked as an OT Team Leader in a rehabilitation service specialising in the management of chronic pain. Since her return from overseas, Beth has worked as a community-based Therapist in various roles, including working with participants with the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

Beth enjoys assisting people to maximise their safety and indpendence within their homes and communities. She is passionate about having a positive impact on people’s lives and helping them reach their fullest potential. Beth’s professional areas of interest are complex home modifications (CHM), rehabilitation, capacity building, pain management and complex assistive technology.

Outside of work, Beth is a busy Mum of two and enjoys family time, caravanning, baking and spending time outdoors.


Emily Camenzuli – Exercise Physiologist BHSc, MEP (EP)

Emily graduated from the University of La Trobe in Bendigo with a double degree in Exercise Science and Exercise Physiology (Masters). She has a diverse range of clinical experience across the public and private healthcare sector in Victoria. Working as an Exercise Physiologist in a private practice clinic was where Emily found her passion for working with disability. She is passionate about helping people achieve their goals, remain independent and feel empowered when it comes to their physical capacity. It is through the power of exercise that Emily gets the best out of her clients to enable them to continue to engage with the community.

Emily has been a strong health and exercise advocate for many years, which has stemmed from her experienced swimming background at a National level, having represented Victoria on a number of occasions.

More recently, Emily completed a Bachelor of Paramedicine degree at ACU University in Melbourne. In her spare time, she enjoys catching up with friends and family, spending time outdoors and going to the beach.