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Assistive Technology & Equipment at Home

Have you considered that equipment at home may help you stay safe and independent?

We can help!  Melbourne Occupational Therapy Services has many years experience ensuring their clients get the right equipment to suit the person.  We want you to keep doing what you want and need to do!

Go to our ‘Contact & Referral’ page, email us your details and we will contact you.

Don’t make a big mistake! –  We sometimes see many dollars spent on inappropriate equipment.  We also see an array of health issues as a result of inappropriate equipment.


1/ We assess you.  We look at your abilities and any medical, age-related or functional issues you may have. We recommend equipment that will work now and into the future as your needs may change.

2/ We assess your environment.  This means we look at your home or office and make sure the equipment will work in the space you have.  This is particularly important for bathrooms and bedrooms where space can be restricted.

3/ We then teach you how to use it correctly.  This can be the most important step. Some nasty issues can arise when people have equipment and are not properly educated on how to use it. At times we see postural deformities, pressure ulcers, trips and slips, back injuries, breathing problems etc, because equipment was purchased without seeking advice from an experienced Occupational Therapist


We can help!  Go to our ‘Contact & Referral’ page, email us your details and we will contact you.