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Think you need a wheelchair or powered wheelchair?
Confused which one will be right for you?

We can help!  Melbourne Occupational Therapy Services will assist to assess and train you comprehensively. A wheelchair that does what you need it to do, without creating further medical problems. Getting the correct wheelchair can be a complex business. People come in many shapes and sizes, luckily, so do wheelchairs!

Go to our ‘Contact & Referral’’ page, email us your details and we will contact you.

Did you know some people end up with more medical problems because they have the wrong wheelchair? –  Most people think of a wheelchair as a device that transports the person around.  This is important; however, many people do not realise that for most, a wheelchair becomes their postural foundation.  In other-words, getting it wrong can cause pressure ulcers, spinal deformities, breathing issues and joint pain.  Also, in some cases a wheelchair can be used to correct a deformity, or at least slow its progression.


1/ We assess you.  We look at your abilities and any medical, age-related or functional issues you may have.  We often complete a MAT Assessment (Mechanical Assessment Tool), using our treatment table.  This can be an important component so we can assess your posture correctly.

2/ We assess your environment.  This means we look at where you need to be able to use your wheelchair and ensure it fits you. It also needs to fit and be functional through doors, rooms and around your home or work-place.

3/ We then trial wheelchair or powerchair models and options with a supplier.  We are not in the business of selling wheelchairs, so all our advice is unbiased and based on good products and with suppliers that provide you good back-up service.


  • Wheelchair
  • Powerchair
  • Side (lateral) supports
  • Cushions and backs for pressure care
  • Custom dimensions for your body shape & size
  • Home modifications
  • Power-controls and devices and much much more

We can help!  Go to our ‘Contact & Referral’’ page, email us your details and we will contact you.